Probate Law in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts - The Expertise of Paula MP Schlosser, Esq.
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Local Probate Law Services

Paula MP Schlosser's Law Office specializes in providing probate law services to families. We acknowledge the difficulties that can arise when it comes to distributing assets to family members after one's passing. Our team of highly knowledgeable and experienced legal professionals is dedicated to offering probate law services that ensure the estate's Personal Representative adheres to state guidelines and follows the instructions outlined in the individual's will or trust. We understand the complexities and often emotional nature of these situations, which is why we approach them with empathy and compassion. Our goal is to make the probate process as simple and straightforward as possible. If you're wondering whether our probate law services are a good fit for your needs, we encourage you to learn more.

female lawyer on laptop in office

Do I Require the Services of a Probate Attorney for Estate Administration?

Probate lawyers, also known as estate lawyers, provide legal aid in dividing the estate lawfully. If you are the Personal Representative of the estate, hiring a probate lawyer can be advantageous for you. The requirement for probate may not arise in all cases of estate division. It is compulsory only if the deceased individual solely owned assets in their name. Other assets can be distributed without undergoing the probate process.

However, there are several reasons why you might want to consider hiring a probate lawyer.

While the majority of wills are carried out smoothly, it is not uncommon for a few individuals within the family to pose a threat by contesting the will. Our team is here to provide support and guidance to the appointed Personal Representative in ensuring that the stipulations outlined in the will are adhered to and respected.

Paying Debts

If there are any outstanding obligations left by the deceased party, it is within your responsibilities as the Personal Representative to settle these debts by utilizing the assets of the estate. It's vital to note that certain creditors hold higher priority compared to others. Rest assured, we will guarantee that you are fulfilling the estate's financial obligations in the appropriate sequence.


In the state of Massachusetts, estates with a value exceeding $25,000 or estates that include real property, such as a house, are required to undergo the probate process. Alternatively, if the value of your estate is lower, you and your loved ones have the option to opt for a voluntary administration process. Rest assured that in Massachusetts, whether your estate is of significant value or not, there are appropriate procedures to handle the distribution of assets and property.

Delivering Tailored Solutions for Probate Law Issues

At the Law Office of Paula MP Schlosser, we take great pride in simplifying complex legal matters for our clients. If you select our services to handle your probate law situation, we guarantee complete transparency throughout the entire process. Our ultimate goal is to ensure your absolute satisfaction with the outcome of the probate proceedings, and to honor the wishes of your deceased loved one. Having accumulated years of experience, our team possesses an in-depth understanding of Massachusetts' intricate probate laws and practices. Waste no time and reach out to our dedicated team today, and we will guide you in comprehending your unique probate case and the subsequent necessary actions.

Contact Us

Reach out to us now to schedule an initial consultation. Don't hesitate to contact us for an appointment that will kick-start your journey towards success!